NILE Insights: 'Bilingualism' free online event
Published in International, Session on Nov 29, 2021
Event Date
Event Time
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Event Speaker
Laura Renart, Asma Herguem, Claudia Mewald and Phil Ball
"If you are a teacher of English, a learner of other languages or just a language lover you might have asked yourself this question: what makes someone bilingual?
There are many dimensions to consider and definitely not a unique answer. This multilingual, international panel of teachers will discuss, reflect on a variety of topics and hopefully help you understand your multilingual classes a bit more.
Some areas that could be considered:
Myths about early language learning;
Myths about accent;
Mother tongue influence in English language learning;
Multilingualism in language teaching;
Language and affection in language learning;
Heritage languages;
CLIL and pluriliteracy;
NILE Consultant Trainer, Laura Renart is joined by three panelists bringing different perspectives on bilingualism: Asma Herguem, Claudia Mewald, and Phil Ball will be answering the host’s and your questions, and some of their own."