Maria João Soares

Maria João Soares is a secondary school teacher and a teacher trainer. She is post-graduated in English/Portuguese Literary Studies and in School Administration. She attended several courses and workshops in acting for theatre and cinema and drama activities applied to EFL teaching. As a teacher she has taught children from kindergarten to 12th grade.
Maria João Soares holds the following courses:
CLIL – Ensinar diferentes conteúdos curriculares em língua InglesaEscrever e Falar – Estratégias de Produção de Texto
Ouvir e Ler – estratégias de recepção de texto
Práticas de avaliação alinhadas com o QECR
Práticas de avaliação alinhadas com o QECR (Ouvir e Falar + Mediação) – FOLLOW-UP